• Mature themes
  • Disturbing content

This is what I feel inside when I allow my spirit to tell a story about this land. 

I feel the darkness, the secrets and the sickness in the earth. Trauma embeds itself in our bodies’ tissue and deep into the earth when we don’t nurture it back to health. This film and dance offering is an exploration of that dark energy and truth. The energy that resides in some territories is seeping to the surface, screaming to be heard.

As a dancer and storyteller I want to open the conversation a little bit more about what we can truly carry inside.

This scene, Earth, is a segment of the larger film project to be released later this year, The Sickness.


Film Maker and director: Matt Lemay
Artistic director,  choreographer and dancer: Josée Bourgeois
Music: Rise Ashen

The Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nations